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Our Survivors


Encouragement and huge Weight off our Shoulders

My husband was in an accident on July 10th and has been out of work for almost 3 months now. Thankfully he is recovering well and only suffered a broken foot and ankle, THIS TIME, it definitely could have been a lot worse, and we pray for the families who have suffered much more than we have.

Despite our many blessings it has definitely still been a struggle. We were directed to Down N Durdy through another motorcycle group, and they have been a tremendous help. Not only did two members come to our home personally to talk with us and encourage us, but they were also able to help with the strain of our mortgage, taking a huge weight off our shoulders during a very trying time!

We feel truly blessed that they were able to help and pray they continue to get the support that they need for all the great work they do for suffering families.

Jeremy & Eva

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So grateful, such a blessing

I went down and ended up breaking over seven bones, some in multiple places. I couldn’t work for over two months. I got behind over five thousand dollars in lost work and bills and was in a very hard spot. Down N Durdy was there all along the way, checking in on me, asking how I was, and then met with me and blessed me financially. They are providing an incredibly generous service to riders in a time when most people get quiet because nobody likes to talk about money. But it’s an unfortunate reality. I couldn’t be more grateful. As a Road Captain in an MC I was impressed and I am in prayer for them to be blessed as they go about blessing others. Thank you again to each of you and special shout out to Heath for continuing to follow up through my recovery and see how I was. Looking forward to being able to show support as I get caught back up with work!
God bless you brothers!
Bradley Campbell
Road Captain – Deacons MC


They are truly riders helping riders!

I was hit by a car in early March. An uninsured, unlicensed driver came into my lane illegally and hit me on my left side. The wreck did thousands of dollars in damage to my brand new bike, and injured my leg as well. Although I was very thankful that it wasn’t as bad as it easily could have been, I still watched the medical bills and repair bills mount. I had been aware of Down N Durdy for some time, they had helped friends of mine in the past. One of their members talked to me about the accident and encouraged me to apply on their website.

Down N Durdy was extremely quick to respond! I shared some of my bills related to the wreck and they came through for me big time. I can’t say enough about what a great organization Down N Durdy is.

Thank you Down N Durdy!!
Please watch my testimony presentation live.
Jonny Knight

So Grateful,

Mid-morning of March 18, 2020, I answered one of those calls everyone dreads, “Your husband had a motorcycle accident and he’s in the Emergency Room.” It was the first day of the hospital’s COVID-19 related, “No visitors allowed policy.” It was massive confusion there and after being sent back and forth from the lobby to the ER several times, I was sent home with no status update. Six hours later I learned that in spite of wearing his helmet, his most serious injury was a brain bleed.
2020 has been a really tough year for everyone. It started especially rough for us because my husband’s job ended the day after Christmas. He was offered a new job a few days before the accident, but it was rescinded due to the virus’ impact on the business. His job always carried our insurance. He was in ICU for more than a week and the bills were mounting quickly. A few days after the accident I was told about the good work of Down N Durdy. I was asked to fill out a simple form and provide important details about the accident, and within a short time the Foundation began paying a few of our most necessary bills on a monthly basis to help us get through.
To all members of the board of Down N Durdy, (who volunteer to do this work) we cannot thank you enough for what you do! You took major stress off our shoulders during one of the most difficult times of our lives and we will always be grateful to you. What you do really matters during a time when people are really hurting.
Carole and Kirk

DnD Amazing People

My Husband was in a severe motorcycle accident Nov 3rd. He was in Hospital for 2 1/2 months he was the bread maker in the house, with him out I didn’t know what I was going to do financially.
Well Down N Durdy came in and helped me with Bills and Emotional Support. As my husband is still down and in Therapy to get himself better and back to work I am able to still count on them to help if needed.
Heath, Skippy and his crew came to visit us, and we were able to attend a function and support them.
Down N Durdy are such amazing people and have welcomed us as family.
We Thank them so much and very Blessed for all they have done for us. 
The Romeros’

Down N Durdy, What a Blessing!

I don’t have enough words to express the abundance of gratitude I feel for down-N-durdy.
When I wrecked my motorcycle, I suffered a traumatic brain injury that has left me recovering still today. I was unable to work or take care of myself, pushing that burden onto loved ones.
The amount of anxiety and stress it brings when you can’t work and your entire world stops, is beyond overwhelming and scary. 
Down-N-Durdy voted to stepped in and covered my major bills for 3 entire months, while I focused on my recovery and figured out next steps. I would have lost everything without that help… not to mention the added burden it would have been for family now caring for me.
Thank you, Down-N-Durdy for all you do for our fellow riders… and having my back! 
May you all be blessed 10 fold.
Amaris Jones

Our lives changed forever.

Not only did Down-n-Durdy help with getting some bills paid, we’ve made friends for life. We will love and support this organization for the rest of our lives; Helping those who feel helpless after an accident.

First off I think you guys are awesome and your organization is the best!

My husband was hit by a car March 2022 riding home on his motorcycle and eventually lost his leg. As he is the major bread winner, he was working two jobs (Albertsons and Costco). I was beyond stressed how we were going to get by. I work at Albertsons and one of my customers told me about your organization. I reached out and spoke with Skippy, told our story to him he reassured me they were there to help. He explained the steps and documentation needed. Next thing they are paying our morgage and gave us some grocery gift cards. These people and thier organization are heaven sent. We are beyond Grateful for the help!!! I hope to one day after we are back on feet to donate to this amazing organization!

        Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts,

                                   Carol & Ron


I am grateful to Skippy and Down N Durdy.

My husband was killed while riding his motorcycle in September 2019. The group was supportive from the beginning. Skippy provided emotional support, above and beyond the call of duty. They helped me financially and even had someone come to my house to work on my bike. I had to move another motorcycle, as well as some items, to a storage unit. The bike was moved to my house by a few members, along with Skippy.

Skippy was kind and supportive, often talking to me in length, on the phone and in person. The group is amazing, and I was blessed that they were around at a devastating loss like I experienced.

Thank you to all of you at Down N Durdy and for helping bikers.



This is an amazing organization and there is a great need for what they do.

When my son in law was in an accident down-n-durdy came through for our family, not only did they help financially but made us all feel like old friends.

It’s great to know there are people dedicated to helping riders and their families when they need it most.
