We only put on 2 fundraisers a Year!
PLEASE JOIN US ON OUR MISSION: to provide LOVE, SUPPORT, and FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, to riders and their families when injured in a motorcycle accident.
Since January 1st 2023 to June 2023 we have paid just over $ 20,000 in bills to help our survivors.
Join us for our events.
Please come help us replenish the bank account.
If you can’t join us and still want to contribute, you can donate directly here on our website under DONATE, or on our Down-n-Durdy facebook page.
Thank you for your continued interest and support.
Every February
Annual Poker Ride
In Memory of Andrew “Drew” Jensen
Registration usually begins first thing in the morning @ Desert Wind H-D
You can register in advance or the day of the ride. Cars are welcome also.
After traveling to various stops to pick up your cards, we meet back at Desert Wind Harley-Davidson
for Live Music, Raffles, and LOTS OF FUN!
Drawings are usually around @ 3:30pm. It is definitely a full day of fun and fellowship.
Check back with us here or on our facebook page toward the end of the year for full details about our 2024 Ride

Every Summer we hold a fundraiser dinner and event.
Usually held at one of the local American Legion Posts that support us all year.
You can buy dinner tickets in advance or at the door. There is always plenty of food. The event usually runs mid-day to late afternoon.
With the Raffle drawings at the end of the meal, and you do not have to be present to win.
Always good food, fun, maybe some music, and of course Lots of Raffle Prizes
See the link below on Facebook for details about this year’s upcoming dinner on August 20, 2023